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Vino Japanでは、 お客様のニーズに合わせて、 ワインに精通したスタッフにより選び抜かれ たオーストラリアワインをはじめ、世界各国の ワインを提供させて頂きます.

Vino Japanでは、様々なコラボイベントを受け付けております. 会社や飲食店でのイベント/パーティー、またはお友達 との集いでワインを添えたいというご要望が有りましたら、 お問い合わせ下さい.


  • 帰国時のお土産用のワイン
  • プレゼント用(お誕生日、結婚記念日など)
  • お気に入りワインの取り寄せ(写メや産地などを手がかり に、お気に入りのワインをお 探し致します.)
  • お手頃価格で美味しいワインセット


At Vino Japan, our Japanese/English speaking team carefully selects Australian and International wines to suit your needs: everyday drinking through to that special bottle.


We assist wine novices and experts alike to buy wine for any event - big and small - and we can provide wine to accompany any social or company event. Contact us in your preferred language and we’d be delighted to help.

We offer wine for:

  • Home-comings : a special souvenir to share with friends, families or colleagues.
  • Gifts for any occasion such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, Christmas, Mother’s day, or Father’s day.

If you have a specific wine you are trying to locate we can assist. We can also recommend similar wines based on the locality and style you desire.

We pride ourselves on delivering delicious wine packs of any size at an affordable price. Tell us your price range, style and quantity and allow us to select wines you will enjoy. If you aren’t completely happy with our selection we will work with you to ensure you are.